Three the Hard Way

Pastor Marc A. Tibbs

Damar Hamlin.

In these early days of 2023 that name alone should be enough.  But for the uninitiated among us, let me reset the stage:  Damar Hamlin, 24, is a defensive back for the Buffalo Bills football team.  On January 2 Hamlin was making a tackle against the Cincinnati Bengals when he absorbed a thunderous blow to his chest. Seconds later, Hamlin’s heart stopped, and he fell to the ground in a heap.

What happened next has amazed football fans and millions of others almost since the moment it happened.  

The stadium fell silent.  Announcers hardly knew what to say while watching first responders administer CPR. Hamlin’s teammates and opponents alike recognized the severity of the incident, and hurriedly called out the paramedics, and then fell to their knees in prayer. Millions of others also prayed as right before our eyes and on national television a man’s very life hung in the balance.

In the days that followed, we all seemed to hang onto every word from the news media that might give us some insight as to Damar’s condition.  One sports analyst on ESPN, Dan Orlovsky, stopped right in the middle of his analysis and prayed to God on live sports television. That’s got to be some kind of Guinness World Record or Ripley’s Believe it or not. He prayed to God, live on sports television.

Today, Damar is doing just fine.  He’s mostly recovered from the incident, and millions upon millions of people are now touting the power of prayer. Not a bad advertisement for a God who promises to hear and to answer.

People are still astounded. Damar’s quarterback had this to say:

“Look, I’ll be the first to admit, I haven’t been the most devoted Christ-follower in my life,” said Buffalo quarterback Josh Allen. “But something got a hold of me there, and it was extremely powerful, something I couldn’t deny.”

Allen wasn’t just talking about his teammate’s resuscitation.  He was talking about all the events that happened after the prayers.

Damar wore the number three.  In the very first game after the incident; while he was yet watching from his hospital bed, the Bills scored a 96-yard touchdown on the opening kickoff.  It had been three years and three months since such a thing had happened in Buffalo.

What people might not realize is God uses numbers as part of His witness.

Take as an example, the number 40.  Forty is the number for probation; it signifies a move from one level into another.  Before going into the Promised Land, the children of Israel wandered 40 years in the wilderness.  Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness before He started doing signs, miracles, and wonders in the earth.

Similarly, the number three is significant.  It’s a number that symbolizes completeness.  Consider the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. On the third day of Creation, God completed the task of making the earth inhabitable for life.  It was on that day, that dry ground, and the seas and plants and trees were finished.  The third day meant that the earth was complete and ready to sustain life.

Three years and three months since an opening touchdown, and Damar wore number three.

Also, in that same game Allen threw for three touchdowns, and the Buffalo defense intercepted three passes.  Three touchdowns and three interceptions. The number three was all over this “football story.”  The very number that represents life, was imposing itself in this story of national wonder. 

 A story where the nation, for once, collectively prayed for a life to be restored. A story where the Triune God was highlighting Himself as the Life Giver and sustainer.  A story Where God was showing us supernaturally that this man’s healing was not only complete, but that God had heard the prayers of His people.

God gave us three the hard way, and as a nation we can all say “Amen” to that.

Marc A. Tibbs is the Senior Pastor of Centenary United Methodist Church, Akron, OH

4 responses to “Three the Hard Way”
  1. Thomas Charlotte Avatar
    Thomas Charlotte


    1. matibbs3 Avatar

      I saw what you did there: three amens….LOL

  2. Mz Phyllis Avatar
    Mz Phyllis

    Amen, Pastor Tibbs
    God is always working, doing marvelous works. What does God tells us in Rom 8:28 ? All things work together for the good of those who love God, to those who are called according to His propose. God is faithful, He can be trusted in the worst situations. Because Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rev 19:16
    Thank you Pastor Tibbs…God’s Blessings

  3. Edna Adell Avatar
    Edna Adell

    Amen! Prayer still works because God has not changed. He was present in the stadium when Damar went down on the field. Over the course of the next few days, the world witnessed God’s healing power. God is faithful.

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